Archive for the ‘2013’ Tag

New Year – New Focus   1 comment

What road do I take?

What road do I take?


These last few days I have been reflecting on 2012. Wow what a year it has been!

I discovered my leadership qualities and my spiritual side, I learned valuable lessons, I loved, I laughed, often! I stood up for what I believe in, I made mistakes, I lost my job, myself, I took responsibility, and most importantly, I connected with my family. I feel so blessed and fortunate that I got to spend some quality time with both of my sisters this year, as well as with my brother. You guys are awesome, truly remarkable young adults and I am grateful beyond words that you are in my life.

My focus for 2013 is to enjoy the ride! I want to get my new business off the ground, I want to read more, dance more, experience more, love more. My New Years Resolution is to live my life with Gratitude and Purpose, and I will need your support and guidance in case I get distracted. I will keep writing my blog for the remainder of 2013, and I will continue to live my life in happiness and in abundance.

And every time I lose my balance, I know what I need to do in order to regain it. I need to be still and listen. Just Be. Because if it’s one thing that I have learned in 2012, it is that I need to pay more attention to my intuition!!